My Miracle Journey: Day 27 & 28
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Monday, April 06, 2020
By Michelle DeLurme, Gypsy Pines Photography
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My Miracle Mantra

I am committed to maintaining Unwavering Faith that I will Create a professional photography business, and I will put forth Extraordinary Effort until I do, no matter what…there is no other option

The reason I am committed to my mission is because I will be able to live with less stress, enjoy my time off, and help Ron in creating and living the life we want to live together.

To ensure that the attainment of my mission is inevitable, I will remain committed to my process of working in and on my business 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week by creating and following my business plan, without being emotionally attached to my results.

I am committed to my mission and maintain Unwavering Faith while putting forth Extraordinary Effort, because I know that I am just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating tangible, measurable miracles and achieving everything I want, as any other person on earth.

Day 27

What did I do today?

Hmm....I finished addressing and stuffing all the Mother's Day Mailers, but other than that, it was a pretty empty day


Day 28

What did I do today?

It’s my birthday. Ron and the puppies came woke me up around 9. I drank coffee, and showered.

I started cleaning the house, to make it wonderful and clean. I like cleaning when I get to do it my way. I cleaned the coffee table getting rid of all the dog hair and crumbs, and all of the sticky stuff on it. I washed the glass pieces with hot hot water and my Norwex window cloth. I got all of the dishes washed, and used the Norwex dish cloth, which does a really good job getting all the stuck on food stuff off. While Ron went to the store I started on the rest of the living room. I cleaned the side table the same way, getting of all the papers and stuff of and putting them away(ish) or trashing them. I vacuumed the love seat and the couch getting a bunch of the dog hair off, shaking out the covers, and vacuuming all the dust and then wiping off the windowsills and baseboard heaters. Before I finished the living room, I had to take apart the head of the vacuum and get all of the gross dog hair and whatever off the brush head. I also raised the head to the next level, and when I vacuumed the floor it went so much better, the carpet is soft and clean now, and I even got behind the sofa. When Ron got home he helped me finish cleaning, working on the entryway while I finished the guest bathroom and the kitchen. I loved getting everything swept and vacuumed and mopped.

I got to hang out in the nice clean living room, with the curtains open and the windows letting fresh air in.

While Ron got all the food ready for the night, I went and showered again, and got dressed and got all my makeup done. I decided to do something nice and fresh and simple. When I got dressed though, it went downhill. My pants were too tight, and made my tummy hurt. Unfortunately, all my pants are like that, so I wore my hippie skirt. It was a very fun night with steak and grilled veggies, and rum and whiskey (there was a hidden bottle) and ice cream cake. I love ice cream cake.


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