My Miracle Journey: Day 25
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Friday, April 03, 2020
By Michelle DeLurme, Gypsy Pines Photography
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My Miracle Mantra

I am committed to maintaining Unwavering Faith that I will Create a professional photography business, and I will put forth Extraordinary Effort until I do, no matter what…there is no other option

The reason I am committed to my mission is because I will be able to live with less stress, enjoy my time off, and help Ron in creating and living the life we want to live together.

To ensure that the attainment of my mission is inevitable, I will remain committed to my process of working in and on my business 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week by creating and following my business plan, without being emotionally attached to my results.

I am committed to my mission and maintain Unwavering Faith while putting forth Extraordinary Effort, because I know that I am just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating tangible, measurable miracles and achieving everything I want, as any other person on earth.

My Process Execution

What did I do today?

yesterday, jiminy threw up on the bed, so I had to change the sheets, wash everything (that is still happening), and clean the mattress because I did not catch it until it was too late. I will spare everyone the gross details. This meant however, that I upset Ron by not cleaning it correctly, and forgetting about it. The baking soda still needed to be vacuumed up, but because I didn’t put any cleaning solution or stain remover, of course there was a stain. He was scrubbing away and getting very unhappy when I came upstairs from putting the bed spread in the wash. We used an old quilt since the bed spread was in the machine, and he was clearly annoyed. I would love to have nice things, but we, and I mean WE every living thing in this house, are just to destructive, and end up ruining things. This just continues to drive home why I don’t want the dogs on the bed.


714: woke up, drank some coffee, finished logging what happened yesterday, made smoothies. Apparently, there are people in the world who believe they should be getting paid twice as much, or be transitioned from gig workers (aka independent contractors) to full time employees. Some people are also going on "rent strikes" with the misbelief it is just getting back at big corporations by not paying their rent. I am truly sadden, and more disappointed every day by how ignorant some people are to how money and economy works. I am thankful my house, which I rent out through a property manager, is not currently enduring a rent strike. If my renters decided to stop paying their rent, it would not be affecting big corporations, it would be destroying not only my livelihood, but that of everyone involved in that home. See below for a clearer explanation of how this affects people


  • Renter doesn't pay rent
  • I must cover the mortgage from somewhere, if I do not receive the rent payment, I have to find the money still.
  • I am not able to pay the property manager for ensuring the house is in proper living order
  • If something breaks, because the property manager has not been paid, they are not able to send someone to the home to fix it. They are not able to order the appropriate parts for the service. They are not able to provide expected living conditions to the renter.
  • Renter must continue to live with broken whatever
  • Mortgage company (this is still a business that is someone's livelihood) does not receive payment.
  • Taxes from mortgage are not collected.
  • County does not receive taxes, so they can't pay the city or their workers.
  • Because workers cannot be paid, city workers cannot do their jobs - roadways, streetlights, firefighters, EMTs, police officers, etc.
  • City workers do not do their jobs, so homes burn down, there is an increase in crime, there are more accidents because the people who are on the roads are driving in unsafe conditions (like fallen branches, not potholes) and the streetlights don't work…and so on
  • Insurance from mortgage are not collected. Insurance company is unable to pay their workers. God forbid something happen to that house, because the renters would be the ones facing homelessness without insurance to provide for a back up home.
  • Employees at mortgage company are not paid, thus affecting how they will cover their necessary expenses


Does that make sense? Nothing happens until someone sells something, and those somebodies are living, breathing, family having people just like the rest of us. Not some computer in an office that is just hoarding dollar bills to make our lives miserable.


9: printed 30 Mother's Day Mailers

930: looked at blog, I have an increase in my views, that is exciting, I need to make sure I am keeping up with the posts. I haven't published since Day 18, which was the 26th of March, so I am about a week behind, but thankfully, I did at least keep a light log of what my activities were.  Completed publishing the 19th day, day 20 & 21 (a weekend), and days 22-24.

1030: phone call with Anna helping her set up her group for her Mary Kay

1130:shower and get ready for the day, eat leftover pasta from last night, post my cake baking tip on IG, enjoy some to the sunshine on the deck with the puppies

1: address 21 envelopes for mailers. These are already people I have worked with, and know me. I have 27 names with addresses total.

230: Bookkeeping tasks - trash bill, renew jeep registration, print jeep insurance, throw out a bunch of junk




I will assess my process and progress at the end of every work day on this blog. To assess I will answer the following questions

What was my biggest win towards my mission in the last 24 hours?

My biggest win was starting the mailers and getting them stuffed and addressed

Did I follow through with my process?

I worked on a bookkeeping, but I did not start the day with it

I did work on one business task, but I did not see it to completion

I did NOT complete all marketing channel posts - I did post on my personal IG, and publish my blog for my process

I did NOT complete a Peak Performance or a Storybrand Session Lesson

What was my biggest area of improvement?

My biggest are of improvement was jumping in to the mailers instead of continuing to analyze 

Is there anything I could be doing differently or better?

I need to work on seeing a task to completion instead of coming up with excuses

What lessons have I learned so far?

I am really good at stopping myself from finishing the work, this may be a fear of succeeding which will cause me to change the very lazy life I am living

Are there any changes/adjustment to my Process that I need to make?

I need to identify what my biggest desire is, and then get the process to fit that. This will take some personal reflection

Is there anyone else I can reach out to for advice or feedback?

I just need to do my shit

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